What Are the Causes and Cures of Back Pain

Back pain is an emerging problem nowadays.
back pain relief, back pain causes

Back pain is an emerging problem for many people irrespective of their age group. The underlying causes of this pain are not very streamlined; rather they are spread all over the place. Identifying the correct cause of a problem is the only way to deal with it more appropriately. Some of the major causes are discussed briefly.

  1. Causes of temporary parentheses 

causes can come into play suddenly or over some time. The reason for these causes can be heavy weight lifting, poor posture, sports injury, or a sudden jerk in the back.

  • Strained muscle

Muscles are strained when the muscle is damaged because it was stretched more than it limits.

  • Sprained ligament

Ligaments are strained when the stretching beyond limits and tearing affects the ligament directly.

2. Causes of chronic pain

If pain lasts beyond three months and crosses the natural healing limits, then it is said to be chronic. The causes of chronic pain are:

  • Hernia in lumber disc

When the center of a lumbar disc breaks through to reach the periphery it causes inflammation and severe pain in the nerve root that it touches.

  • Degenerative disease of disc

The fluid inside the intervertebral discs keeps on decreasing as we age. This makes the spinal cord less resistant and more prone to injuries.

3. Dysfunctional facet joint 

The facet joints that are used for holding together two segments of lumbar vertebras are covered by ligaments, cartilage, and have many nerves around them. These joints can cause pain singularly or along with the degenerative disc.

  • Spinal stenosis

The narrowing of the spinal canal where nerve roots are located can cause pain in the lower back. The narrowing can be in either direction and on multiple levels.

  • Spondylolisthesis.

This occurs when the adjacent vertebras slip over one another. This can be due to defects or degeneration of the joints. The pain is caused due to instability or pressure on the nerve.

  • Osteoarthritis

This situation is a result of wear and tear in the joints and discs. It progresses with age and causes inflammation, pain, instability, and problematic movement.

  • Trauma

An accident, fracture, or dislocation of the spine can be the causes of back pain. These causes need to be evaluated medically to detect a serious issue that might be in place.

4. Other causes of lower back pain

These are some less common causes of  pain:

  • Infection in the spine

Though this is not a very common reason, it can happen in people who have undergone surgery, blood transfusion or have a weak immune system.

  • Tumor

The metastatic growth of the cancerous tumor can reach the spine if it is detected in organs like the kidney, thyroid, lungs, breast, etc. This tumor can be a cause of  pain.

  • Autoimmune disorders

Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, lupus are some examples of autoimmune diseases that can cause lower pain.

5. Treatment and prevention of back pain 

There are many options for back pain relief which can be put to use if timely diagnosis takes place. Initially, the doctors suggest going for home remedies like pain killers and hot water therapy. Usually, the pain goes away in a few days of following these basic remedies. Doctors also advise not to stop working and avoiding bed rest. Keep doing basic activities that don’t require too much effort and also are not very painful.

If the pain persists after 30-40 days, then doctors will suggest diagnostic testing to find out the exact cause. After the testing, reports reveal the problem, and treatment is initiated. Depending upon the problem there are 2-3 types of treatment procedures.

6. Basic medications

  • OTC pain relievers

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs like ibuprofen, like Advil, Aleve, Motrin IB are given to patients to relieve back pain. These are to be taken as suggested by the doctors.

  • Muscle relaxants

These are prescribed if pain relievers are ineffective. They can cause dizziness and prolonged sleeping hours.

  • Narcotics

These are opioid drugs like oxycodone or hydrocodone that are suggested for a very little period as they aren’t effective for chronic pain.

7. Topical pain relievers 

They are used in the form of patches, creams, salves, ointments, or bandages that are induced with pain-relieving medicines and are to be applied to the painful area.

  • Physical therapy

This is the safest and most effective way. But it can probably be difficult for patients in the beginning. The therapist will suggest exercises to increase flexibility and to stretch the muscles of the abdomen and back. This therapy can send away the pain and if practiced regularly, then back pain won’t come back. The correct posture for standing, sitting, talking, and the bodily movements during the various chores of the day are also suggested by the therapist.

8. Surgical and related methods

  • Injections

An anti-inflammatory drug called cortisone is injected to relieve the pain by reducing inflammation. A numbing medicine along with cortisone is injected in the area around the spinal cord.

  • Radiofrequency neurology

In this, a needle is inserted in the painful area. With this needle, radio waves are injected to damage the nerves around this area. This prevents them from sending the pain signals to the brain and thus the person doesn’t feel any pain.

  • Implanted nerve stimulators

Devices are implanted under the skin to send out impulses to nerves to block the signals sent out to the brain.

  • Surgery

This is the last step of treatment that is reserved for those patients whose conditions didn’t improve with prior methods. It is used for specific alterations caused biologically like narrowing of the spine or hernia in the discs.

  • Conclusion

Other alternative techniques like yoga, acupuncture, chiropractor, massages, etc. are also effective. But their effectiveness in highly subjective. It depends on the person undergoing the therapy and the instructor who is conducting the therapy. Some people have responded to these natural ways as compared to medical interventions.

Pain is primarily caused due to poor structure and because of improper body movement. Working on the correct postures and exercising regularly can keep the problem of pain at bay. It is a problem that isn’t usually chronic and is healed in a few months with proper treatment and medications.