How to Select the Right Kitchen Bin for Your Home

How to select kitchen bin

Kitchen waste bins are essential for every household to keep the kitchen area neat and clean. Today, many recycling options are available for managing waste effectively so you can dispose of different types of waste separately in different bins such as:

  • General waste
  • Soft plastic
  • Compost
  • Hard plastic bottle lids, beauty products etc.

Choose from an Array of Kitchen Bins:

1. Pedal Kitchen Bins

Pedal bins can fit easily in any small or big kitchen seamlessly. Available in various shapes, such as square, rectangular and round, you can select the pedal bin as per your preference and kitchen space. Besides, you can buy an affordable pedal bin or a fancier variant for your home. Stainless steel bins are hot favourites and effortless to slot bin liners into. Moreover, you can move pedal bins around to clean and use.

The only downside is that you need to press the pedal with your one foot to keep it open till the time you dump the waste into it. However, if you need to keep the lid open for a longer time, then it can cause issues with your balance.

2. Fitted Kitchen Bins

If you have extra cupboard space in your kitchen, then fitted bins are excellent an option, as they will conceal the waste. However, ensure that the cupboard space you allot for the fitted-bin is isolated from your kitchenware and food items. Besides, make sure it does not have an area that can cause leaks. If it develops a leak, then smell can linger around in your cupboard, which is not a pleasant one.

3. Pull Out Waste Bin

Pull out kitchen bins are a brilliant alternative to keep your trash away, hidden and out of view; also known as slide out bins. However, you’ll need extra cabinetry or cupboard space that you can allot to pull out waste bins. Besides, make sure it does not come in the way of plumbing or anything else. It is easy to assemble and install pull out kitchen bins; however, choose the right height and width of the pull-out waste bin that you want to fit into your cupboard space.

Furthermore, it frees up some floor space, and you can have two bins inside one pull out, so you can use one for waste and the other for recycling if you want to contribute towards the green initiative.

4. Kitchen Bin with Multiple Compartments

Kitchen bins with multiple compartments will help you to organise your waste by separating the general waste and recyclable waste. It is available as a freestanding option that stands on the floor and as a slide-out bin fitted within a cabinet. If you install them inside a cabinet, then make sure it is isolated, and away from your food items and rest of your kitchenware.

5. Recycling Bins

Available in various styles and shapes, recycling waste bins function as filters for recyclable waste. You can either buy a big one to accommodate your entire family’s recyclable waste into it or get small, hand-held bins, which you can easily pick up and dump on a large recycling pile. For instance, you can empty compost bins onto the compost heap outside. It makes recycling quick and uncomplicated. These recycling bins are small and designed for different purposes. That means you will need another kitchen bin for disposing of your general household waste.

The Bottom Line

Kitchen waste bins are a vital component for any household to keep the area pristine and tidy. These days, an array of waste bins are available to choose from; however, you need to select the bin prudently for your kitchen that does not come in the way or expel unpleasant smell.