How to Make Screenshots: The Best Tools

screenshoot tools

Screenshot is a computer term for the process of saving the computer screen in the form of images. By taking a screenshot of your computer screen, therefore, you will save what you are seeing at that precise moment in an image (in the case of a single photo) or in a sequence of them (in the case of videos).

It is a kind of snapshot of the computer screen or smartphone that allows you to record and track an activity.

There are many tools that allow you to take screenshots quickly and easily, without the need for specific IT and technical skills.

What are the best tools for taking screenshots? Here are the main ones, distinct in relation to the supported operating system.

The best screenshot tools for Windows

Here is a list of the best screenshot tools for Windows. 

Capture tool

For several years now Windows has provided the Capture Tool, which allows you to take screenshots of your PC screen in a practical and quick way.

What you need to do is access Start, select the Capture Tool, click on New and select the area you want to crop and save in the image.

FastStone Capture

Version 5.3 is downloadable for free, while version 5.4 is paid.

FastStone Capture is a very useful tool for making screenshots because it consists of a small bar that you can move and position anywhere on your computer screen, allowing you to capture the inside screen or even just small parts of this or single windows.

Important quality of FastStone Capture is its practical editor, which allows you to easily edit the screenshots, cutting them out, resizing them, inserting writings, arrows and highlighting the sections of your interest.


DuckCapture is a great free screenshot tool for Windows. There are two very important advantages offered by DuckCapture: auto-scrolling and multi-shooting.

Thanks to the auto-scroll, in fact, you can take a screenshot of portions of the page that are visible only by scrolling it up or down  or Cost Of Wilderness Therapy For Young Adults. Thanks to the multi-shot, you can choose to combine multiple sections of a screenshot within the same image.

Also with DuckCapture, you can also edit screenshots by annotating text boxes, arrows and highlighted parts.


It is a free tool and a very complete open source software.

With ShareX you can really do whatever you want: you can take a screenshot of the entire screen, of an area you select, of some windows, of entire web pages (thanks to the auto-scroll); you can make screencasts; you can generate GIFs; you can customize the screenshot by adding text boxes, images, watermarks, blur filter and various graphic elements .

In addition, ShareX has the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature and allows you to send the screenshot as a file via email.

The best tools for making screenshots for iOS

Here is a list of the best screenshot tools for iOS.


Skitch is a free tool owned by Evernote and offers you the opportunity to shop in the app.

Skitch is great because it allows you to edit screenshots in an easy, fast and personalized way, inserting images, arrows, geometric shapes, and text boxes and applying numerous effects.

Skitch also allows you to save the screenshot directly to your phone, send it by email and upload it to Evernote to share the link. 


ScreenshotFx is a paid program for making screenshots for iOS. It is a software that, once installed on your Mac, adds a small bar to your menu and a shortcut that allows you to select the edges of a certain area of ​​the image you want to take a screenshot of.

The peculiarity of ScreenshotFX, in fact, is to be able to take a screenshot exclusively of the portion of the image you want to extract.

The best cross-platform tools for making screenshots

Here is a list of the best cross-platform tools for making screenshots. 


Usable from both Windows and Mac, IceCream is a very intuitive and easy to use software.

It has both a free version, which includes a useful screenshot editor, and a premium, paid version, which also offers you the possibility to zoom during the recording, to record only a specific area around the cursor, to add a custom watermark.


Available for free for both Windows and Mac, Monosnap is an excellent software for making screenshots and for personalizing images and videos with many features that the editor of the tool puts at your disposal.

Furthermore, with Monosnap you can take screenshots in time and you can also include the mouse cursor in the images.


Another great free tool for making screenshots is Gabrilla, available for Windows, for Mac, for Android and for iOS. Gabrilla also has a plug-in for Chrome and Firefox.

With Gabrilla, you can do a lot of things, not just screenshots.

Gabrilla, in fact, allows you to make screencasts, or to make videos, to create GIF files and to share your screenshots with other users thanks to the file hosting service.


Which tool do you usually use? Do you prefer desktop PCs or do you happen to take screenshots from smartphones?