How Professional Breakdown Service Providers Change A Flat Tyre?


Every driver must know how to change the tyres of the vehicle. However, if you do not know how to change it, it is not a big problem. Flat tyres can happen anywhere. Calling your friends or family members is not a substitute. You can simply on your mobile phone calling a professional roadside assistance company.

Many drivers take screws, jack, spare tyres, or wrench with them. Suppose you have forgotten to bring that equipment with you. Make a call to breakdown service in Qatar to fix flat tyres.

Must keep equipment to fix flat tyres:

  1. Jack
  2. Lug wrench
  3. Vehicle owner’s manual
  4. Spare tyre
  5. Flashlight
  6. Working batteries
  7. Gloves
  8. Wheel wedge
  9. Safety goggles
  10. Raincoat
  11. A piece of wood to secure jack
  12. Pressure measuring gauge

 Step by step guidance about changing the flat tyres:

The mechanics of changing car tyre service in Doha, Qatar are experts to make your vehicle ready to move in just a few minutes. As soon as you make a call to them, they follow your location and reach your place in just 30 minutes.

Identify a safe area to fix the issue:

When you face this type of issue never turn your car in the backward direction. Simply reduce the speed and find a safe place to park your car. Wait until the mechanics arrive. As soon as they arrive, they ask for the vehicle owner’s manual to review the specifications of your vehicle. Do not worry if you do not have it.

Put on safety measurements:

The providers of breakdown service in Qatar fully prepare themselves before starting the entire process. For example, wear gloves, goggles, or safety dress. They prefer putting on flashlights attached with fully charged batteries to deeply inspect everything.Do not forget to apply the parking brake to avoid your vehicle from rolling over.

Apply wheel wedge and remove wheel cover:

The expert mechanics make sure that the vehicle is safe by all means. They emphasize applying wheel wedges in front or behind of tyres to avoid any accident. Changing the wheel cover is a very technical job. If lug nuts are covered by hubcap, it is necessary to remove it before lifting the vehicle with the help of a jack. Usually, the flat end of the lug wrench is used to remove the hubcap.

Loosen the lug nuts and place jack:

Turning the lug nuts in the clockwise direction with lug wrench tighten it. Place the jack beneath the flattened tyre. The vehicle is raised up to 6 inches with the help of jack.

Remove the flat tyre:

The lug nuts are unscrewed and a flat tyre is removed by gripping it with treads. Now, the experts place a spare tyreon the lug bolts. The lug nuts are tightened and hubcap is replaced. The pressure inside tyres is checked and your vehicle is ready to go. The changing car tyre service in Doha, Qatar saves your time and money.