How I Brought My Husband Out Of Shyness When He Had ED


With the panic regarding ED all around, when I first experienced that my husband is having the same, I really felt I was lost. But I never left myself tensed and nervous. I have read some articles earlier regarding the same, where it narrated the psychology of the males when they have these types of sexual ailments.

I remembered those and recalled all the memories and stayed calm. I felt my husband’s nerves while he is not able to penetrate. I have seen him get tensed at that time. On the next day of the incident, he just shied off from me, as if he has done some unforgettable injustice to me.

I recollected all those things, but sent to my mind, “relax… this is not the right time to think about it… let him go to the office the next day… will give a thought on this at that time”.

erectile dysfinction
So, I waited till the time he goes to the office the next day with a smile on my face. But he still tried to ignore me. Believe me, his behavior that day was like a kid who is hiding his face from mom, after making something very much annoying. He just peeped me, when I was not before him, but whenever I reached him, he tried to hide himself from me.
I did nothing but just smiled within me. As he went out to the office, I sat in one place and tried to think about what I must do in this condition. After running some yes and no’s in my mind, I decided finally how I will behave with him and what I will have to do, in order to take him out of the condition.
The evening talks on the cup of tea
As he reached home after office, I did some light snacks with a hot cup of tea. I need to talk to him, and for that, I will have to make him sit before me. He seemed fatigued. So, a cup of tea was overwhelming for him, but he shied then even. I opened up myself to him now. I narrated him, “See, you are having some issues at this moment… I feel it… I researched over the internet that this condition is temporary and you can make yourself out of it too. So, why not we consult a doctor and get his suggestions on the same?”
His reaction to the words was horrible. He initially fired up, then again shied down. I went closer to him and again said with a mild tone, “I know you are all right… but the ailment is an ailment right… We have it, we must get out of it… that’s it… This is between you and me, no-one will know that even…What! I can’t see you so shy and low in confidence… please cooperate with me… We will again make things normal as before.”
He didn’t respond to me at all, just finished his cup of tea, and moved out.
The bedtime talk
His shyness then became extreme, but gradually he relaxed down, as he found me to be comfortable with him only on words. He mildly and softly spoke to me, just like seeking forgivingness, “I take an appointment of a doctor, or will you?”
I felt satisfaction at my heart which I can’t explain to you – the first response to my approach. I told him, “I will make the appointment, and I prefer to choose a doctor out of this town so that your identity is not disclosed to anyone… what you say?”
His facial expression on the last word literally changed. I understood that he is sensing me to be very much concerned about not only his health and sexual ability but his reputation too.
We went ahead
I took the appointment then of a doctor in the metros. We both went there and the doctor tested a few things. On the third meeting with him, he explained both of us the process of an erection and the anomaly that makes ED. He educated us on the matter and guided us both about what to be done so that he can come out of this condition.
He recommended him some drugs like Fildena and Cenforce along with that also recommended some food habits, a strict no to smoking and alcohol, and even some restrictions on food. He guided me to check down his sleeping habit, food habits, and his daily workouts. The doctor also patted him well stating that he will soon recover from this hazard. I sensed him to get back his confidence at least to some extent and within me, I felt rejoicing.
I had a role to play
After getting back from the doctor, I restricted him to get the meds from the nearby stores. I said, “Everyone knows you by face… so, don’t go there. Let us bring the meds from some online store, as they will not identify you by face”.
He seemed to be very much comfortable on that and he really started to believe that I am on my toes to make him out of the condition, and he also sensed that I am not going to compromise with his reputation.
We ordered the Fildena, Cenforce, and Vidalista from the online stores of Arrowmeds. The delivery was prompt, and the support and secrecy that was maintained by them were also very much appreciable.
Along with regularizing the meds, he checked his smoking and alcoholic habit too.
I went with him to the parks every morning and worked out with him too. My effort was not to make him feel that he is forced to do all the things. The food he ate, mostly with least spices, I also had that. I also worked out with him in the same way, he did.
In one word, I didn’t let him feel that he is fighting the condition all alone. Getting a mate at the time of distress really makes one filled with confidence. I tried to do that exactly. Let me tell you, we both had a great time together, filled with fun, joy, and a great lot of memories.
It took only a few months, might be 6-7 for him to get recovered from his condition. Thanks to the doctor, thanks to Arrowmeds, not only for the supply of Fildena, Cenforce, and Vidalista but also for the secrecy they maintained. It didn’t harm the reputation of my hubby. I felt so happy about it.


The lesson I got from my experience

This is my story about how I handled my husband’s ED. Sexual life is surely the pace provider in life, but this is not everything of married life. A married life stands on the respect the couple gives to each other. If you understand the psychology of your mate and try to keep his reputation in his world intact at all conditions, he will always trust you and will have deep faith in you.

I also learned another great lesson here.  No-one willfully calls any ailment for himself. In case anyone feels a sexual ailment in him or her, the bitter most heart condition remains with them only. So, you need to be beside him at that time. You need to feel him or her to be your kid and behave likewise. The patient can be how old, to a nurse, he remains as a patient. So, feel yourself to be the nurse to a patient – you will gain his faith and he will be recovered soon.