Oral Medicines Which Provide Relief From Erectile Dysfunction

erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a widespread sexual problem faced by men. Almost fifty percent men across the globe encounter this condition in some form. In Australia more than one million men suffer from the condition.

Relief in the form of drugs is available. Theses medicines are called phosphodieterase type 5 or PDE-5 medicines as they produce chemical reaction in the body to attain and retain erection along with providing a wholesome sexual experience.

These medicines cannot cause self erection. They assist the natural process by further broadening the blood vessels so that more blood flows resulting in erection. They can be purchased through prescription in Australia.

The commonly used drugs to resolve the problem of erectile dysfunction:


Viagra is the first medicine which comes to our mind when we hear the words erectile dysfunction, as it has the honor of being the initial oral pill used to treat ED. Viagra is pharmaceutically called Sildenafil and was produced by Pfizer. In 1998 it was approved for use in Australia.

Viagra was basically manufactured for cardiac diseases, but failed during trials, yet patients with ED were surprised to see a lasting erection with the use of the failed medicine. Therefore after thorough researches and trials it was reformed for solving ED.

The medicine is normally prescribed to be used at least 30 to 60 minutes before the intercourse. The success ratio of Viagra is almost 90%. Viagra should not be taken in case if you are already using any medicine containing Nitrate, as in such a case chemical reaction will decrease blood pressure to a dangerously low level.

Side effects of the medicine include:

  • Head ache and dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Itchiness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Stomach issues and diarrhea
  • Sight issues, blurry images
  • Pain and erection lasting for an unusual time period.

In case the user experiences any of the aforementioned problems, he should consult a specialist, and quit the use of Viagra.


Tadalafil with the market name of Cialis is almost the same medicine like Viagra. Eli Lily the manufacturers have no production plant in Australia and the medicine is thus imported here. Cialis is a slightly stronger medicine and thus consumption is recommended in smaller dosages with the maximum being 20 mg, while the min is 2.5 mg. Cialis can also be taken on a daily basis. It is also used in treating prostrate issues. The success rate of the medicine is almost 78%

It should be consumed thirty minutes before the act. While the impact of the medicine can last up to more than a day. In case of following side effects the use of medicine should be halted immediately:

  • Head ache
  • Back ache
  • Stomach issues
  • Muscular pain
  • Nasal issues.


Levitra in the word of medicines is called Vardenafil. It should be consumed an hour before the act and the effects of the medicine lasts for 4 hours. Generally Levitra results in fewer side effects, which include head ache, nausea and upset stomach. The success ratio of the pill is 80%.


Stendra the pharmaceutical name of Avanafil is a next generation of ED pills. It has no standard form yet like the above 3. It can be taken fifteen minutes before the act proving it to be a fast effecter in comparison to its predecessors; the effect can last till 6 hours. It 2016 Avanafil got approval for usage in Australia. While sore throat is one major side effect of the medicine, it is generally said to have low side effects than its counter parts.

Non-generic and counterfeit of these medicines are widely made. You can buy these medicines in Australia or order Viagra, Levitra, Avnafil and kamagra effervescent tablets from online stores.